Friday, June 18, 2010

How To Write At Chip On The Card

Casus Belli Strikes Back The

Yep, if you just skim the net gamer these days, you could not miss the new summer: the return of the newsstand magazine Casus Belli . a comeback necessarily pleasing as that name carries with it fond memories of youth.

Here the official press release:

Dear gamers,
We are proud to announce the rebirth of the magazine Casus Belli next! Casus Belli
rest of course dedicated to role-play and offer in each issue an overview of the news rpg, reviews of new releases, gaming aids, the indispensable book of scenarios and a thematic original. The primary objective is to offer play equipment concrete and usable by players.
items will be served by a new edition full of talent in which you will find, among other names that you are surely not unknown (as Cuidet Arnaud Le grumph Sebastien Célerin Willy Favre, Emmanuel Gharbi, Brand, Didier Guiserix and crapougnats, etc..).
As for the team at the initiative of the resurrection, it is independent of any existing structure or past: we're just two players highly motivated and eager to make their magazine for gamers of reference, that marked our first year of play Casus Belli Society Press, which publishes the magazine, was created in 2009 for this purpose. You will find so
your magazine as a monthly magazine of 76 pages from the second half of July. This will be distributed on newsstands and in your specialty stores.
A few weeks!

Tristan Blind & Stéphane GallotRédacteurs Chief

Well, simply relaying the news not necessarily interesting, trying to look more closely at what we can guess the magazine via this release.

start with end with the frequency: monthly. An ambitious but, in my opinion, can be profitable. Indeed, providing a regular presence in stores and shop, the magazine has a good chance to retain customers, who will take the habit of buying it at release. And that is likely to reassure those who have subscribed. It is certainly risky, but I think it is a choice which may be appropriate - particularly in the long term. Moreover, it is still the best way to keep up with current events in a reasonable manner.
Pagination goes well with the frequency: 76 pages, it is reasonable. Neither too (at the risk of delay) or too little (giving the impression of having no content). This allows for concrete materials based on monthly Promised something to read until the next heading.
The editorial seems solid but conventional. Obviously, the emphasis is on production equipment to play - and it's great for me. So alongside the news and reviews (I hope they be as detailed and descriptive than the first formula), there will obviously a book of scenarios and gaming aids Hopefully these texts alternate between well (Cthulhu, D & D) and recent games or novelties promote - with, why not a label of officialdom in collaboration with publishers. The thematic dossier is the classic but well done is always interesting.
finish with the signatures. Beautiful people, the elite world of role play. There are several authors who have accumulated some notable successes (eg Willy Favre), a pair of editors (two of the founders of John Doe), the Leon Zitrone of RPG French (Brand) and especially Didier Guiserix, pillar of origin of the magazine whose presence will reassure the old guard.

short, given all this, no one can foresee that the best! It seems that Casus Belli preparing to return to top form and in any case I am a customer of that third option - to whom I wish long life and prosperity.

Welcome back, the Ancient One.


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