Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getty Without Watermark

Doing business network or circle?

I have long understood the power of networks open to the closed circles.

At different formations that I lead in the national territory, I often distinguishes between:

- a network: a set of federated individuals freely exchanging their relationships around common concerns, exchanging information in a very fluid , disinterested and rapid and collaborating with each other along flexible and informal roles. We are talking about micro clusters informal ... like the project teams is that one for a specific mission and falls back in place permanently for other actions.

is the epitome of creative networks, researchers, software developers such as in the open source community, open source

- a circle differs radically from the networks, this is organizations more traditional, heavier, based on authority, on a sense of belonging to an entity on high stakes in power and finance, some leaders and deputies have a big head and lose it sometimes ... .

When it comes to money, there are often significant conflicts of interest between the leaders, their partners and companies which belong to the leading members of these circles .. and often in isolation, so Opaque ...

It certainly should not generalize, but my experience, I can not think of anything else, sorry ...

You understand why I'm not part of business circles closed, even though I have long rubbed shoulders to watch, and I specialized since 1990 in the informal networks, networks learners, collective efficiency ...

Where the collective takes precedence over personal interests.

Make your choice based on your goals ...

What do you think? I will appreciate your

positions and experiences.

I currently lists as part of a guide to men and women network, a specific point. A

you read ... on logon@voila.fr


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