Leaver few months after Volume 4, which already marked a turning point (and what a turn!) In history, this volume 5 of the Brigade chimeric (released from a short week) continues the momentum and a string of crucial revelations preparing for the inevitable conclusion.
Warning eyed innocent reader, the rest of the ticket may be some elements that you spoil the fun if you learn them before reading the tome in question. So I encourage you to buy it before you go any further.
The episode 8 is titled Club the Hypermonde . After the revelations of the Cockroach, the heroes learn the story of the betrayal Big Brother and his rallying Mabuse. To understand the enigma HAV Russian Spad George decides to contact the Club Hypermonde a circle feuilletonists to become experts in Super-science. These, under the leadership of Witch Palmyra, will reveal the whole truth about the nature of the Gang M and its links with Gregor Samsa .
In episode 9, TOLA , final preparations are under way. Séverac decides to go to Metropolis face Mabuse while the divorce between the Radium Institute and the CID is finally consumed. For his part, George Spad finally understood the mystery TOLA and share this quest at the peril of his life.
Once again, there is much to say and analyze this book, as the episodes that compose it are rich and dense. To avoid repeating myself on quality repeatedly confirmed this work, so I'll focus on one interesting aspect among others, but that seems not only reveals the intelligence of this comic but also confidence that its authors are in the intelligence of their readers - and that's rare enough to be stressed.
Volume 5 of the Brigade chimeric contains grosso modo three big revelations, made three of secrets established in previous episodes there are revealed. Now these three secrets could be guessed by a reader curious enough or wise. Let's see it.
- HAV Russian first, seems the simplest. But he still had think "rule" in phonetic word for Ashavérus . Then look then what it meant if we did not know already. It's an enigma but crafty thought, it is often difficult to discover something obvious.
- In correlation, the second secret was also marked as a bundle of runs sufficient to push the reader to ask questions (myself, I thought about it a lot): the nature of the Gang M . A team emerged during the Great War and made a cold and calculating scientific leader, a "human-animal " and a female vampire ... But damn! There seems to be an equivalence and opposition at least partially with some members of the Brigade chimeric (in order Dr. Serum, Baron Brown and Matricia ). If we add the missing piece of the Cockroach / HAV Russian / Wandering Jew, we see that we had more than enough to Gamberg topic - but maybe not quite guess either.
- Finally, the enigma TOLA . Once again, the clues were there. Tenuous, subtle but present and a little curiosity (nothing a search Wikipedia ) would have to understand is that Tola TOLA Rotblat, wife of physicist Joseph Rotblat we input ' see more than once in the comic - is more a historical extremely interesting.
That's what helps make this volume so fascinating: nothing happens by chance or fate does the hat of a magician. Everything was present beneath the surface, the ground was well prepared revelations upstream. So, reading all that we can only exclaim " damn! But of course! " and not "What The fuck, he smoked the author or what? "It's exciting, makes you want to reread chimeric Brigade from the beginning by being alert to detail that has failed to collect all the good parts of the puzzle. And in so doing, we realize the overall consistency of the strength of the narrative method used. This universe has a sense, this story demonstrates this: Hypermonde , Super-science, chimeric anti- be ... everything is connected, there is an internal mechanical unstoppable, proving the depth of the work.
finish by referring to the graphic quality of the book, perhaps the most beautiful of all those issued. The descent of
CID on the Radium Institute is an example of an image, a kind of "parallel montage" alternate present and flashbacks so virtuoso.
Somewhat in the same spirit, the origins George's secret Spad and Phalanx are processed using a texture of nightmare unreality, confusion and garish in support.
A superb work Gess and Celine Bessonneau in fact! This augurs a sublime Volume 6, no doubt.
Well, it now remains only one volume of chimeric Brigade. An end that we sense that we know tragic but that was paradoxically want to read as quickly as possible.
The wait will be long.