Monday, May 31, 2010

Eyebrows Sc Charleston

Carnoplaste - Nonprofit publisher

I am back in Imaginales , an excellent literary festival in the pretty little town Epinal (middle of the Vosges).
was a great time when, full of many friendly encounters - including a working meeting with the authors of chimeric Brigade. But I will come back later.

foremost I wish to speak in this Bill a great discovery over the Imaginales :

This is a small publisher that publishes voluntary booklets like the good old days (beginning of the century) in the manner of Judex, Fantomas and works by Gustave le Rouge, for example.
For now, besides some creations original, these papers take up the character of Harry Dickson in new adventures taking following the numbering of the original booklets. The format is really like at the time, with the cover painted a big new thirty pages written in a style redolent of the 20s, the incredible adventures ... The purpose is really nice in hand and invites reading. And just visiting the website allows you to plunge into a period so rich in the popular imagination!
I spent a good hour on the stand to talk to the friendly gentleman who manages the Carnoplaste - under the pseudonym of Robert Darvel evocative. He is a scholar and an enthusiast who really deserves that its structure is gaining notoriety for the quality and originality of its production.

I really recommend if you are curious enough to order a few to get an idea. This revival of French and European literature novelist is quite exciting - especially considering the project I'm working on now.

Wishing you long life and prosperity to Carnoplaste !

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Period Was Very Light And I Feel Wet

The chimeric Brigade - the game adaptation of the role

Yep, if I have somewhat neglected this blog these past two months, because I worked hard on an ambitious project to me particularly taking to heart (and those who can read between the lines may have guessed for some time): an official adaptation of the comic Brigade chimeric (edited in the Atalante), which I drummed into the ears here since summer 2009.

And now, after months of work is finally done! This role play will be published by Straight Talk at the end of 2010.
The official announcement is on their site and subscribers to their newsletter have already received information in the form of a beautiful PDF giving few details.

This adaptation was made possible by several people:
- First, the authors of the comics themselves (aka Club the Hypermonde): Fabrice Colin I first contacted and who has struggled to make it happen, Serge Lehman who gave us the secrets of his teeming mind and lets us play with his toys, which is Gess enthusiastic from the beginning and whose talent never ceases to amaze us, and Celine Bessoneau course.
- L'Atalante in the person of Annette, who took the time to listen to me and took me seriously from the start, which was not won.
- without detour of course! An editor of a professional dandy, who immediately believed in the potential of the project and allows us to work in the best conditions. (This is the first time in my career as an author that I sign my contract before that the game is released ...)
- And finally the dream team who agreed to board the stratogyre with me (me is Roman " Rom1 of" Usher for those who have not kept in the background): Willy " BrainSalad " Favre, Julien "Wyatt Scurlock " Heylbroeck, Lawrence "Bob Darko "Devernay (who has also played the role of go with talent) and Stéphane" Stephlong "Treille.

Here we are at the beginning of the adventure but no doubt you'll hear again about this adaptation of RPGs Brigade chimeric !
Meanwhile, the Brotherhood of Radium works hard.