Well, after several months of waiting, finally released Volume 4 of chimeric Brigade, this comic-book in French which I drummed into the ears since last August . So as usual, I give myself a modest critical analysis & this blog, hoping always to give my readers a few scattered want to discover the work that is really worthwhile. What this confirms without penalty Volume 4, elsewhere ...
Warning, this post contains spoilers wholesale . If you have not yet read the book, be warned !
Like its predecessors, this volume contains two episodes.
" International Politics" establishes many momentous events. The nyctalopic and acceleration are in Moscow to negotiate an alliance with us, Mabuse cons, but the Central Committee is stalling and Big Brother seems absent. In Paris, the Radium Institute is planning an attack against the CID to issue Gregor Samsa: Jean Séverac is of course that will be the spearhead, despite his doubts. The French government, meanwhile, sent a mission to Félifax Metropolis.
In " HAV-Russian" (as enigmatic if any), the assault is launched! The Brigade delivers a Cockroach in agony to see her mouth revealing the terrible draft Mabuse and the secrets of the birth of Metropolis. While in Moscow, nyctalopic Accelerator and range from disappointment to disappointment ... Finally, Mabuse is a demonstration of its power to a mysterious guest, sealing an alliance that will plunge Europe into chaos superscientifique of war ...
There are many things to say about this book, these episodes. They mark a real turning point in the narrative Brigade chimeric . So far, the tone of the comic was still quite slim: the geopolitical context was certainly heavy, but still threatening in the background. Mabuse remained an opponent diffuse, filigree. The first three volumes finally clung mostly to describe a universe and to present the protagonists in an optical super-hero of Europe. "
The title of the first episode of volume serves as a reminder of the context ... It is the resurgence of threats to peace: Mabuse returns to the foreground while other We demonstrated its duplicity, and the democracies of Western Europe seem quite pathetic in their attempts to save the peace in violation of their honor. The tone is darker, more menacing. War rumbles closer and increasingly, the real alliances are forged, the characters show their true colors (weak nyctalopic eventually be fatal) ... This volume, which inaugurates the second half of the story of the Brigade for the chimera gives the result: it will be dark and desperate, as history real after all.
That said, the comic side is not forgotten. The attack on the CID, the infiltration of Félifax near Metropolis, fighting Baron Brown and Dr. Serum cons are Vampyre Queen many scenes in super-heroic devil! It's dynamic, colorful, even iconic - and touches of humor are always present during these passages.
Let us now look at the big piece of this volume. The revelation of weight, the secret of Mabuse and therefore the treatment that the authors do an event which could not be seen as difficult to escape the period: the Shoah, the extermination of the Jewish people.
Let's face it: it is both brilliant and guts. This event is still taboo (and rightly so!), The comic manages to make any horror, any atrocity (congratulations to the designer Gess for the double-page spread that reveals the unspeakable: it's just chilling) in arriving at the same time to fully integrate into the world superscientifique far developed. It is an admirable synthesis, which gives the word Holocaust ("Sacrifice") its meaning. It is also very dicey and we expect that it will talk - it is hoped that readers will make sense of things and understand the authors' approach. With this
Volume 4, Brigade chimeric decidedly not disappoint. The story takes a new turn, it begins the final stretch. The revelations will shake and are the premise of a descent into hell that we can only wait for the light of the original: after all, does not exactly do we mean by the end of European super-hero?