Especially towards the pool of Canal + fiction that I turned, as it seems that it is the only series (other than short format & comedy) really challenging and interesting. Gears , Reporters, and more recently Mafiosa Pigalle Night example. So I turned to Reporters , the subject interested me much, and I just finished the first season.
Reporters talk about journalism - but not that. The series follows roughly modo two versions: the 24 Hours in the World, a newspaper of record, and that of TV 2F, a large chain of public service (it recognizes easily models behind these names). The narrative is split between various characters all interesting (the young crazy dog, the political columnist and the editor of the newspaper, the cynical old man, etc..), Following their investigations and matters that are sometimes interbreed. A thread is detached A mysterious arms dealer, an African country in a state of civil war, a hostage in a former Soviet republic and in the background, of rumors of government reshuffle before an election.
The great strength of Reporters is to come in just eight episodes to tie all these elements to deal with the reality of journalism today. From this point of view, the series is ambitious and bold from the redemption of the newspaper by a capitalist group which will gradually exert editorial pressure not to offend its advertisers, the reluctance a TV channel anxious not to offend the politicians in power, the shenanigans at different levels, lapses of ethics, how media and political commitment in incestuous relationships, etc. . Really everything is discussed, without unnecessary indulgence but without false modesty. Everything sounds just right.
In this sense, Reporters is a set policy - which is brave enough in France, where these things are rarely discussed in fiction, especially television. Oh sure, no actual name is mentioned but it is not hard to see how the series about ... The Interior Minister who walks with long teeth on his government colleagues to come to power and is friends with the media bosses furiously reminds someone, for example.
If Reporters works so well in addition to his audacity and his script perfectly nesting numerous plots, is that each element is also treated.
The realization is effective, sometimes abusing cut in the plan for rhythm, but in any case it is far from the blandness of many national television productions. It moves, it goes fast and the narrative density is important - only eight episodes, but filled ras-la-mouth ; you never get bored at any time.
actors are pretty good. Really, their natural wonder: they embody their characters to perfection, are not fashion plates, seem real. They are supported by dialogue sounded fair and realistic situations. One also wonders why these players do not appear more often in movies ... This is particularly true for the actor playing the businessman Paul Guerin disorder: a physical and a voice and a charisma that devour the screen.
In short, it is after Braquo again a pleasant surprise with Reporters . Hope is reborn in French fiction television - albeit on a small scale (only Canal + dares actually) but it is a step forward.
I'll be able to tackle the season 2 of this series, which promises a lot in light of issues remained unresolved at the end of the first season ... I'll come back here of course talking about.